: : : <<<-------< Black <-----------------((o))-----------------> Arrows >------->>> : : :
A Game of Masks

Speaking in monochrome
the drones dragging into
the distant expanses
stretching them backwards
folding them into themselves
unfolding them
The daring was lost
The daring was stolen
for a while
mistakenly taken for
And stopped in its tracks
meandering in the perpetual moment
of uncertainty
the scaffolding precariously holding the Work
in progress
of Us…
T r u s t
This power will give
This power will rise
and receive
the calling-upon
of truths unknown
and majesties unknowable, by human minds…
Until the moment of their birth
before our eyes
gives rise
to the true
the undeniable
feeling of purity
intention, emotion, being, willing - thrilling
becoming - conquering
and surrendering alike
Together we strike
the arrows true
to the heart o f t h e S u n
[ of our existence ]
But now… i N - s A - N i -T y
the vulnerability of this moment holds us captive
…willingly dreaming of
future-past, at last
we ride into
with rattle-sounds in the backbone of our breaths
steady and steadier, as we go
the withholding
the control
in the releasing
the unleashing of terror - divine
Misled by righteousness of action / re-action
torn away from
the side of
it’s Other face:
a M a s k we hold
and wear anew
with every look
the mirror - pool - eyes - of
the O t h e r .
Let your aim be true.

Oils on canvas lightly primed with PVA, black emulsion applied with bird feathers
120 x 160 cm
You can purchase prints of this work here: