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: : : <<<-------< Black <-----------------((o))-----------------> Arrows >------->>> : : :
Sweating teeth sink into the heart of feeling
[ - I am a feeling machine - ]
Hungry and desperate and fearful…
there will be nothing left
to tear at the End.
Stepping back transfixed
there-and-not-there, staring
in from the edges of this perennial battlefield
[ - I am a breathing machine - ]
Inhaling the Lonely
Exhaling wholesomeness
Fabricated in the bile-seasoned stomachs of the once-lost
that have now learned their lessons
meekly wearing them in scars across their skin…
Take pride in survival
but never the War
Take pride in S u r v i v a l
but never the W a r
This score can never settle
as long as there is wanting to feel
anything more
than Peace
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