: : : <<<-------< Black <-----------------((o))-----------------> Arrows >------->>> : : :
Featuring an interdisciplinary body of work spanning the years [2016 -2023], Deathless Spells showcases from large scale mixed media oil paintings and smaller works on paper, to interactive sculptural installations with mobile and sonic elements, projections and spoken word soundscapes, as well as a cinema room with a looping reel of performance films.
The exhibition took place at The Crypt Gallery (Euston Road, NW1 2BA, London) 26th October – 1st November 2023.
Beyond the opening night, there were two performance evenings:
- "SONIC SPECTRES", 29th of Oct - a Collaborative Showcase Of Live Sound & Performance Art
- "Reader Of Bones, Weaver Of Lifelines", 31st of Oct - Collaborative Closing Ritual Performance
Both featuring various other artists.

Digital photography by Aliki Karveli.
D e a t h l e s s S p e l l s … .
The Timeless Whispered
Archetypal visions
Of life-path trails
long tread and still untrodden
ecstatic in their Twisting dances
Spun and woven in the Void
Expanding, unfurling
Collapsing and coiling
All the way
To the S t a r t .