: : : <<<-------< Black <-----------------((o))-----------------> Arrows >------->>> : : :
Heedless but exalted
The voices told you… LISTEN
- Listen -
- Listen - - Listen -
- Listen -
- Listen -
There will be signs upon your way - omens - warnings
- one among them am I -
But you will not take heed
And that is as it should be, as
You came to learn through pain and not through caution
You will accept it all, willingly
And you will be grateful as you are, for
Water in the deserts
Each year will carve its marks upon your face
And you will wear them all with pride
over the tugging anguish
But sometimes…
You will burn with the fire of a thousand suns
As you think and dream and feel - the Lover
The one and only one
That lies beneath the skin of every flesh that you consume
And consummate
In ritual celebration of your animal form
In each mind that rolls with yours in Time
and Space
With grace, you’ll find
A promise of completion
And sometimes…
You will breathe stars out of your eyelids, as you shape
The world around your path
Leaving in blood-puddles of your footsteps
Flowers of sharpened thorn to grow
Turning their heads towards the darkest corners, as though
The sun shines out of their core instead of
In the skies above them
Your Memory… is a Temple of Worship.
Walk alone
And walk Together
Hold onto hands and paws
Strands of hair and branches
Streams of water, wind… and Void
But bring the fire wherever you go
From the depths of your deepest cavern
And when you face the cold of Soul
Let it echo and roar
Around your burning fire-Core
Until your last breath.
You did not come here
to lose.
You came here
to chose.