: : : <<<-------< Black <-----------------((o))-----------------> Arrows >------->>> : : :
"Out of the Box" is a work about the liberation of the Self, through force of will in an act of defiance, breaking down the barriers to expansion.
“The Box” is a constructed internal/mental space. From comfortable and comforting, it can turn constricting; suffocating…
Trapping one’s mind, worldview or development, whether of one’s own construction or society’s; the need to break free to breathe again, redefine and reconstruct one’s self is the same.
And after this is done, may it never happen again and may we all be free from Boxes, however safe, however comfortable...
...those are the most dangerous ones of all.
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Idea conceived and performed on camera in 2017, also performed live and developer further a few times since.
Film and sound piece still awaiting completion and release.
Performing out of the Box live at SPILL YER TEA, a performance night organised by DRIP, at Constellations in Liverpool, November 2019.