: : : <<<-------< Black <-----------------((o))-----------------> Arrows >------->>> : : :
“Reach” is a Butoh inspired performance film project.
Using the experience of a personal relationship as means of understanding aspects of the archetypical nature of relationship and partnership, this piece intends to embody and express them, through intuitive movement in space. It is an exploration of the nature of connection and disconnection experienced between partners during the final stages of a close relationship through creative collaboration. Different flavours of emotional and mental-illness-related challenges, affect the way each one feels towards the other. Conflicting perceptions of, and approach to one another, results in a tense dynamic: like opposing forces, they created distance, pulling us away from each other. For some time however, out of sheer force of will, or unwillingness to give up, we reach towards each other, becoming again - if only for a while - one entangled entity of emotion, mind and limbs.
Performed by Alice Karveli and James C., summer of 2017, finished post-production in 2019.
All original sound created by Alice Karveli and James C., winter of 2017.
Creative concept and editing by Alice Karveli.