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: : : <<<-------< Black <-----------------((o))-----------------> Arrows >------->>> : : :
Singularity [A Note to Self as Other]
Sur - render…
Re - member…
The points of pain
Their blades they love
In sacred torture-union
The exit wound
The shadow-bound
The trail that begs you follow…
Deny the call
To beg and crawl
The Soul that’s lost awaits you
Of cards its house
Of stone its heart
The Daemon Will has blessed you
The Angel’s curse abreast you
Defence is Rest
At Time's behest
Exhausting all its lifelines
Parallels conjoining at last
in long forgotten future
In raw immortal past
I will see you there
With honeyed thorns of care
I’ll feel you
As me
In the Singularity.
A Note to Self as Other.
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