: : : <<<-------< Black <-----------------((o))-----------------> Arrows >------->>> : : :
Soul Contracts
D r o n e … .
On until your soul fades
S e e e e e e ping
the layers of
f o s s i l i s a t i o n
Protecting its purest essence
It was an age-old pact
A S o u l C o n t r a c t - if you will
That by personal gods and demons willing
Was destined to lead you to the uncovering of Truth
The l o o p i n g of memory
The childhood floor scraping
Teenage knuckle-smashing / forearm-gashing
Grasping for love-scraps
Swearing at the sky when it refused to rain
Teeth chattering throughout
To rhythms only you can here
In waking and dreaming
And All
The layers b e t w e e n
And All
The winding tunnels W i t h i n
A l w a y s lead
to the same p l a c e
A hole that is always hungry
But never knowing whatever F O R
Those creatures you saw in the mirror
Whose eyes you borrowed and wore
From the depths of the glass-cut ocean
What bargains you struck
For a piece of the shore?
More is more is more is M O R E
And it isn’t just me and it isn’t just you
But the very world that bore us
More and more and more and M O R E
Until MORE collapses in on itself unable to hold it
An i m p l o s i o n
And that’s ok.
New worlds are born
In the stillness
Of the aftermath
To learn to become boundless
All over again