: : : <<<-------< Black <-----------------((o))-----------------> Arrows >------->>> : : :
Spirit Fire
The full force of this life…
…this feeling
Fuelling the core of this moving fire of mine
No One can take in fully.
Few have tried
only to fail
and burning, melting
wail with me
laments of paths untrodden
dreams un-lived
and minds unraveled
All I have to give
remains largely hidden
unbidden nightmares chasing me
even beyond the edge
of this line you drew for an Ending
I am still repenting
my fires' stories yet to unfold
they still keep a strong hold
of me
I'm sure I was once told
as I am sure I told you:
“this fire, will consume it All “
But if the Fear is what goes first
then only Phoenix rises
and above
all those dreams un-lived
the souls unloved
the paths untrodden
the minds unraveled
I h a v e n o t f o r g o t t e n a n y o f i t.
And never will I ever
In hoping the same holds true for you
I’ll blaze and burn
and wait until
a new night swathes me
with new truths…
Until a new sun rises.