: : : <<<-------< Black <-----------------((o))-----------------> Arrows >------->>> : : :
Shimmers violently…
And no one to bear witness
[Is it really me out there?]
Breaking every bone in the body with delight
Deliverance from mortal fright
As the plight is brought down crashing
On corporeal parts
Each time
She gets a little closer still…
Do you see, where the silver line is?
It’s where the blind live
Scribbling symbols, secret mantras on the rocks
None of them will ever know the secrets of the other
And that is as it should be
Protectors they are
Living off secrets like wolves live off flesh
And when she’s done, with all bones broken
She will move to the eye sockets
And so,
Will finally
Join them
Over the line of horizon and sane mind, alike
Where landscape cascades into sounds of visions
For no one to see but she…
with no one to tell
In a suspended spasm of lonely…
Eventually the hermit rebirths herself
So many times and nights and years and lifetimes
Over and over and over and over
Still here
Still writhing with it
Still riding it into the forest, long fallen now…
Through the canyons, long dried up now
Through the bottoms of oceans still nursing their ghostly white coral
Like they can’t let go of their loss
And her loss… streaming behind her in streaks of screaming
red-ragged tendril flags
every time
But never ever leaving
their nest - her chest…
always gripping, ripping at the mouth… as she tries to outrun
The cost
Far far and farther still, she rides
the spine of only companion ever trusted
Red-eyed and blue-glowing, ghost-mane flowing
Skeletal Warhorse
Tireless as is remorseless
Carries her spirit through.
And it will be there for you too
whenever summoned.