: : : <<<-------< Black <-----------------((o))-----------------> Arrows >------->>> : : :
The Gift - Burning, Flowing, Growing
Burning, throbbing
ever-reaching roots of Fire
Flowing, icing, yearning
rivers of Forgetful Memory
and the great God-given, Demon-driven
is bestowed
through silver thread
or threat
of crashing Lightning
Frightening and terrible
the beauty of belonging
amongst the blessed…
The gifted-cursed
creatures of this soul-stream
Here to dream and glean and grow
ever inwards, ever outwards
ever downwards, ever upwards
in visions shared and blood rites
as we roll and run and scatter
to be rejoined again
in our last deathly hallows…
Bared and bound
by why we came here
Exalted and torn
by what we learned
Rise to this
Brother, Lover, Sister
Mother, Father… Friend and
Enemy of mine
… for I leave none behind.
This your burning, flowing, growing
Take it. Be it.
Redeem its form…
Unto its utmost, fullest function.