: : : <<<-------< Black <-----------------((o))-----------------> Arrows >------->>> : : :
First ever self suspension experiment and a "rough sketch" of a performance idea, shown as part of a two week butoh training retreat I attended at Stoa (Turkey), training with Adam Koan, Rita Soma and Coco Villarreal. We had to prepare a new performance at the end of each teaching week (Friday) and though this piece was made in no more than two days, it carried the full weight of strong emotional processes coming up to that moment and served as an efficient catharsis.
Going back to researching movement with both the restrictions and also supports offered by the rope(s) is something that has featured prominently in my performance work of the last few years. More suspension and knot-work likely to be explored.
It was the first time in a long time that I used sound created by others in a performance, both due to limited time given to make a work but it was welcomed also as an experiment in dramaturgy and in honour of the music alike.
Credits for Music used in the performance and links the albums where the tracks came from so you can go support the artists if you like! Track 1: "Equinox" by the Noise Diary - https://thenoisediary.bandcamp.com/album/the-noise-diary
Track 2: "The Mysterious Vanishing of Electra" by Anna von Hausswolff, album "Dead Magic"- https://annavonhausswolffmusic.bandcamp.com/album/dead-magic
Track 3: "Tragos" by Lili Refrain, album "Kawax" - https://lilirefrain.bandcamp.com/album/kawax?from=search&search_item_id=536814348&search_item_type=a&search_match_part=%3F&search_page_id=2290690651&search_page_no=0&search_rank=4&logged_in_menubar=true
DISCLAIMER: All the music I used for this piece I have purchased to support the creators because I love it, loved it enough in fact to perform to and so I truly hope it's use in this context will not pose an issue to any of the artists. If it does, please do contact me directly to resolve it.
Many thanks to the light technician who helped create this awesome red look and Adam Koan who filmed.