: : : <<<-------< Black <-----------------((o))-----------------> Arrows >------->>> : : :
(( u- R -u ))
You are...
the most beautiful
never believed deserved
…yet dared to asked for
W e s u m m o n e d e a c h o t h e r
And as our voices danced and our hearts touched
encircling one-another
My core exploded into
a million shards
of glowing dark
and rainbow light…
And as I slowly oscillate
From effervescence to crystallisation
I will become your slave
and your master in turn
So we both will alternate and learn
responsibility and trust
that heals all past wounds
W e a r e t h e d r e a m s t h a t d r e a m u s
I’ll hold the space and clear the path for you
to reach
the deepest cave and highest peak
within your soul-scape
…the places where the teachings come
I’ll be the earth that will cover you
moulding you
shaping you into
your godhood
The waters that will flow around
and through you
clearing, re-birthing, releasing your full form
The winds that will carry you
flying and free
to everyplace Within and Without
you ever wished to see/be
The sacred fire that will rise and bind with yours
and set ablaze
all that once was Yours and Mine
and make it Ours
O u r s w i r l i n g v o i c e s f l o a t i n g h i g h a s i t d e v o u r s
And deep within
the space between us...
New worlds will germinate
and spiral into Being
Creating and freeing
the Form
that yearns to be born
from S p i r i t .