: : : <<<-------< Black <-----------------((o))-----------------> Arrows >------->>> : : :
This illusion taught me well
with its strange delirious glow
It seemed to whisper show and tell
You’ll lose it all
You’ll lose it all
You will lose all you wish to keep
To love
To dream
To fathom
Our minds will stretch and bend - Extend…
Then buckle under Wisdom
Your mind will be whole in mine and mine, will be
a hole in Time
And from it,
Stretching outward tendril-trails
Dug deep into Illusion-Landscapes
Worn and weathered by the tread…. Of so many lost
So many Dead
Why they chose well-trodden paths they do not know
but I do…
The thankless task of burrowing
Through crusted cracked and barren soils
The first to dig the first to go
Is not for weak or weary
as old and re-remembered song shall pour
newly rusted veins
with new acrid compassion
Suffers the old as suffered the new
We were all New once… and true
It was all true once.
And for All.